Thursday, November 29, 2018

10 Cannabis Strains to Bring You More Cheer This Holiday Season: Part 1

The holidays are officially here, and I feel like everyone could use a little bit more holiday cheer. This time of year is all about family, eating tons of not-so-good-for-you food, warm sweaters, and cool Christmas lights. The holiday season is also about standing in line waiting to buy presents for all of your loved ones, lest you face their wrath the next year, dealing with relatives that you spend most of the year avoiding, and having a bell rung in your face by Santas soliciting your spare change.

For many of us, the holiday season also means Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) aka seasonal depression. Suicide rates skyrocket at this time of year, so make sure that you reach out to friends and family you know who suffers from seasonal depression. You could save a life.

If you feel like you are in need of extra cheer this holiday season, you might want to sample some of these cannabis strains.

*disclaimer* I am not a medical doctor and this column is meant for entertainment purposes only. If you decide to treat your depression using cannabis I urge you to speak with a licensed health care provider. Using medical marijuana in conjunction with other medications can cause unintended side effects.

Blue Dream

Blue Dream is a strain that is especially adept at chasing away the blues, and it will no doubt help you get through even the most stressful, disastrous holiday season. This sativa dominant hybrid is great for combining relaxing effects with euphoria, as well as mixing in a little creativity. Are you looking for a little more inspiration for decorating the house? Get your hands on some Blue Dream!

Super Sour Diesel

Super Sour Diesel, like its brethren Sour Diesel, is known for both its pungent gasoline-like aroma and the super euphoria that it brings on. This pure and powerful sativa manifests its physical effects in short, yet powerful spurts. It’s great for treating not only depression, but also nausea, pain, fatigue and stress. That sounds like the ideal formula for making it successfully through the holiday season.  

cannabis strains extra cheer holiday season 2

Which is your go-to strain for holiday related depression? Image Source:

Purple Kush

As a member of the prominent Kush family, Purple Kush has certainly earned its spot on this list. This strain is famous for being one of the most potent indicas grown in the world. Purple Kush gives an easy, relaxing, and supremely euphoric high. It’s no wonder this strain is a favorite of medical cannabis users suffering from depression. The strain has a delightful grape flavor and aroma, and will give you a bit of an appetite. I suggest enjoying it with some delicious holiday treats and a glass of eggnog.

Laughing Buddha

With a name like Laughing Buddha how could you not expect this strain to make the list? As the name would suggest, Laughing Buddha is a earthy, sweet supercharged sativa guaranteed to give you a fit of the giggles. Other effects include feeling upbeat and perhaps overly optimistic, which can’t be a bad thing in these dreary winter days and nights.


The classic Chemdawg, the spawn of OG Kush and Sour Diesel. Chemdawg is one of the most sought after strains for treating depression and fatigue. With THC levels reaching over 20 percent, this strain is just what the doctor ordered, especially after a long day of holiday shopping and incessant Christmas carols over the PA. Unwind with a puff or four.

What other cannabis strains will bring you more cheer this holiday season? Find out in part 2!

Featured Image Source: 4 Twenty Today

What are your favorite strains for cheering you up during the holidays, or any other time of the year? Tell us in the comments!

The post 10 Cannabis Strains to Bring You More Cheer This Holiday Season: Part 1 appeared first on I Love Growing Marijuana.

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