Monday, October 2, 2017

Night Nurse

The use of cannabis has always been controversial, not to mention, a health and legal issue. Activists from all over the world have advocated its medical use. In fact, that is the only reason why its cultivation, sale, distribution, and use is allowed. Looking at the thousands of hybrids, though, it seems most cater to recreational use. Night Nurse, on the contrary, was developed for medical purposes.

It is an 80% Indica-dominant strain, but it comes with mild cerebral effects. In essence, it may uplift the mood, but in most cases, it also helps patients rest well.

Reeferman Seeds used three strains to create Night Nurse – Hash Plant, Harmony, and Fire OG.

Hash Plant is Sensi Seeds’ classic strain and is a cross between an Afghani landrace Indica and Northern Lights. It is an almost pure Indica hybrid that delivers an intense body high. Harmony, like the Night Nurse, is a product of a three-way cross. Among its most notable traits is in providing an uplifting sensation and buzz. Finally, one of the strongest OG strains is the Fire OG. Not only does it have red hair covering its buds (hence its name), it also has an insanely high THC content.

As one can see, each of the notable traits of the three parent strains is present in the Night Nurse. Where it differentiates itself from the others is in the manner by which the physical-high blends with the cerebral effects. Also, it was a past winner of the High Times Cannabis Cup.

Information about Night Nurse:

ORIGIN Hash, Harmony and Fire OG
EFFECTS Relaxed – 10
Sleepy – 9
Tingly – 4
Happy – 4
Hungry – 3
Dry eyes – 1
FRAGRANCE Sweet, spicy, earthy, floral, coffee
FLAVORS Sweet, spicy, herbal, coffee, sage
MEDICAL Pain – 10
Insomnia – 9
Stress – 6
Muscle spasms – 4
Headaches – 3
FLOWERING TIME OUTDOORS late September to early October
PLANT HEIGHT 3-1/2 feet indoor, 8-1/2 feet outdoor
INDICA / SATIVA % 80% / 20%
INDOOR YIELD 14 ounces per square meter
OUTDOOR YIELD 28 ounces per plant
GROWTH LEVEL Some experience needed

* 10 is the highest
* 1 is the lowest


Sick people need plenty of rest and sleep, that much is almost a universal advice of doctors. But a lot of things can make quality sleep elusive. Troubles and worries, and especially the physical pain can keep one up for hours. For that reason, some physicians may prescribe sleeping pills or sedatives.

TIP: Looking to buy Night Nurse seeds? Check out this marijuana seed shop

Sure, they can help people calm down and sleep, with a troubled mind, that is. And that is where the Night Nurse comes in. She gently uplifts the mood of patients, making them feel better about themselves. In fact, she makes people happier than usual. Some people may even feel a tingling sensation all over their body while others swim in a sea of euphoria.

Night Nurse Effects

Night Nurse Effects – Image powered by

Unknown to the patients, she also has something up her sleeves. Creeping in is the Indica effects that soon overwhelm the users. In essence, it induces a hazy stone that makes the patients unable to focus. A good thing about this is that they completely let go of the troubles of the mind. Yet, they continue to feel happy even as the numbing sensation intensifies.

Soon afterward, most people fall into a deep state of relaxation and then drift off to sleep. Often, they also wake up the following day feeling refreshed. Such is the importance of getting quality sleep, and that is what the Night Nurse will give. Keep in mind too that most people also have a better appetite upon waking up.


Think of being in a cabin in the middle of a grass field, and then the Night Nurse walks in. Immediately, one’s attention zeroes in on a floral scent mixing with the aroma of coffee. A sweet and spicy note accompanying her delightful fragrance makes her a real keeper.


As delightful as she smells, so is her flavors. The Night Nurse carries much of her aroma but this time with a note of sage.

Adverse Reaction

She may be a good girl and helpful, but she also has a temper. The Night Nurse plays it nicely so as long as one does not abuse her. But once any user goes a little bit too far, then there is a price to pay.

Night Nurse Adverse Reaction

Night Nurse Adverse Reaction – Image powered by

For one, there is the matter of experiencing dry mouth and eyes. Sure, they are normal and in fact, associated with the use of all kinds of cannabis, that does not mean one wants it. A good way to experience these side effects is to underestimate her potency and use more than necessary.


When it comes to its benefits for medical marijuana users, there are two things that she does incredibly well.

TIP: Looking to buy Night Nurse seeds? Check out this marijuana seed shop

One is in dealing with pain. Her heavy hitting Indica property comes with sedative-like traits that help in pain-relief. Another is in helping people rest and sleep. As a result of the hard hit, it is safe to say that all its users are going to dreamland within one to two hours.

Night Nurse Medical

Night Nurse Medical – Image powered by

Because it does cause a hazy stone, in some ways, it also aids in taking the mind away from stress, and pain. As such, it is not only that people get to sleep, but the most important thing is that they get quality sleep.


The home and the garden can be the hospital where one can find the Night Nurse. Although she is not the easiest strain to cultivate, it is still possible for beginners to grow it and make it thrive. Of course, that requires a lot of effort on the part of growers – not only in tending but also in learning.

At any rate, the Night Nurse grows indoor without trouble but where it really thrives the best is in the outdoors.

Flowering Time

Like many Indica plants, the Night Nurse is ready to begin the bloom stage in as early as seven weeks. Come harvest time, growers can expect a yield of 14 ounces per square meter.

In an open space, the Night Nurse is free to grow to her full potential. Some people take the chance and try to hide it in their garden, good for them. Of course, we recommend cultivating cannabis only where it is legal. At any rate, she starts transitioning to the flowering stage before the start of October. Each plant can produce as much as 28 ounces of elongated buds covered with trichomes.

Have you ever smoked or grown your own Night Nurse? Please let me know what you think about this marijuana strain in the comments below.


The post Night Nurse appeared first on I Love Growing Marijuana.

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