Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Growing Multiple Cannabis Strains: Blue Diesel, Sugar Plum, Afghani, and Blockhead

Growing Multiple Cannabis Strains: Blue Diesel, Sugar Plum, Afghani, and Blockhead

When it comes to growing cannabis, multiple strains can be a double-edged sword. You get the benefit of growing and storing cannabis of different varieties and effects to suit your mood. However, you also run into the challenge of having to time your grow properly otherwise you will be overwhelmed.

This grow will look into growing four different strains at the same time: Blue Diesel, Sugar Plum, Afghani, and Blockhead.

The Blue Diesel is the daughter of NYC Diesel and the Blueberry cannabis. It falls on the Indica side and produces a pleasant, moderate to long-lasting buzz. Because of its Blueberry genetics, this flower produces a light berry aroma that is smooth, expansive, and fast-acting. Blue Diesel cannabis is perfect for daytime use with little to no fatigue or increased appetite.

Sugar Plum is a marijuana strain that boasts of a tropical and earthy flavor. It creates hard-hitting, and long-lasting cerebral effects with high a THC content documented to reach 28%. While this may seem too high for the casual cannabis user, it provides the needed potency for medicinal use particularly patients suffering from severe pain, nausea, glaucoma, mood disorders, and gastrointestinal complications. It’s also a good strain for new growers with a short flowering period of 35 days for indoor gardens.

Afghani is another Indica strain named after Afghanistan where the earliest varieties of cannabis are believed to have been cultivated. Afghani is treasured by breeders worldwide because of its heavy resin production. The Afghani strain is known to produce a deep, sedating relaxation, and euphoria.

Finally, the Blockhead is a cannabis only for the experienced users. This powerful Indica creates intense hallucinations. It is unfit for socialization but it’s one of the best strains for pain relief and sedation. This robust strain is a favorite among experienced users.

Aside from those four plants, this grow journal also starts with 400W MH on a 24/0 light schedule, Fox Farms Ocean Fresh soil in 5 gallon pots, 2×2 grow tent with exhaust and oscillating fans. Flora Nova Grow is the preferred nutrient for the veg phase and will be followed by the Flora Nova Bloom during flower.


Grower: smokey8ear
Location: Oregon, USA
Yield: 16.9 ounces

June 19th

These photos were taken two days after they were transferred to their permanent homes. Here are (clockwise from top left) Sugar Plum, Blue Diesel, Afghani, and Blockhead.

they were transferred they were transferred they were transferred they were transferred

As you can see, the Sugar Plum seems to be the bushiest of the 4. All of them look happier now that they’re in decent soil.

June 28th

I fertilized again last night and added carbs to the mix for the first time. Part of it is that they were a little bit wilted during the previous pictures but they really look like they’re growing fast.

I fertilized again

The canopy on the Sugar Plum is super even and it will be interesting to see how it matures.

the Sugar Plum

The Blue Diesel is still an inch or so taller than the Sugar Plum… at least for now.

The Blue Diesel

Afghani’s leaf size is a surprise!

Afghani’s leaf

And the Blockhead is undergoing training now that it’s pretty established.

the Blockhead

All of the plants are developing purple stems. No sign of problems and it seems they have plenty of phosphorus between the Fox Farms Ocean Fresh and grow nutes.

developing purple stems developing purple stemsdeveloping purple stems

June 29th

The Sugar Plum and Blue Diesel grew over an inch in 11 hours and are now basically identical in height. The canopy on the Sugar Plum continues to crack me up. It’s a little worrying with the bright color of the new growth on the Blockhead but it seems to be sorting out nicely.

The Sugar Plum and Blue Diesel grew The Sugar Plum and Blue Diesel grew The Sugar Plum and Blue Diesel grew

June 30th

The Sugar Plum was untied tonight basically out of curiosity. It may end up being left it this way. The canopy has a slant to it but otherwise, it’s flat as a board.

Sugar Plum was untied Sugar Plum was untied

The Blue Diesel was lollipopped for airflow. She seems to be extremely sensitive to dry soil because she wilts when the soil gets even close to dry a couple inches down.

Blue Diesel was lollipopped Blue Diesel was lollipopped

Afghani has fully recovered from LST and is doing its thing.

recovered from LST

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